Low Cost Detectives have been providing the best rated Blackmail Detectives & Blackmail Investigations for over 30 years

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During our Blackmail Investigations our Low Cost Detectives Blackmail Detectives & Investigators use cutting edge technology to track down criminals and stop their demands. Our Blackmail fighting Detective Agency specialise in the retrieval of any incriminating or embarrassing evidence from the perpetrators.

Criminals are constantly finding new ways to break security measures and make increasing financial demands from innocent victims worldwide.

Table of Contents - Blackmail Detectives & Investigations

Blackmail & Blackmail Scammers Investigations

Criminals and fraudsters or Blackmail Scammers can perform Blackmail and subsequent fraud only with a simple mobile phone and they can be located anywhere in the world. They create fear in their victims finding weak points and seeking ways to apply massive amounts of pressure and stress. Sometimes this crime can involve Online Harassment or have a more sexual nature which can be called Sextortion

Blackmail is firstly a criminal offense. It is an act of making unwarranted demands with menaces in order to attain personal gain or project loss on another person or people.

There are many forms of Blackmail and Online Harassment. The perpetrators are very sophisticated in setting up fake profiles and email addresses. However, they are equally naive in assuming that they cannot be found by our Blackmail Investigations Team.

Where possible, once our Low Cost Detectives Investigators have established the perpetrator, our team will provide you with a number of options to be followed up in order to ensure that the Blackmail demands stop.

Our Blackmail Detective Agency has been fighting against Blackmail Scams for over 30 years.

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Whats the Wikipedia Definition of Blackmail?

Wikipedia.  Blackmail is an act of coercion using the threat of revealing or publicizing either substantially true or false information about a person or people unless certain demands are met. It is often damaging information, and may be revealed to family members or associates rather than to the general public. It may involve using threats of physical, mental or emotional harm, or of criminal prosecution, against the victim or someone close to the victim. It is normally carried out for personal gain, most commonly of position, money, or property.

Am I Being Blackmailed And How Do I Report Blackmail?

Are you being Blackmailed? Do you think you may have been a recent victim of Blackmail or Sextortion? Are Blackmailers making threats to you and your family? It would be a good idea to employ the help of our Blackmail Investigators.

If you believe you are a victim or know someone who is, please contact our friendly, specialist team confidentially by clicking the button below.

What To Do If Someone Is Blackmailing You?

1) Try not to panic. Contact Low Cost Detectives immediately and we will advise you on what to do next and how best to deal with the Blackmail situation

2) Continue to communicate further with the criminals, playing for time and do not let them realise that you are taking steps to fight back by contacting our Blackmail Investigators

3) Take screen shots of all your communication

4) Stall any payment and preserve evidence whilst we start to work on your case

Does Low Cost Mean Low Quality Blackmail Investigations?

The answer to this is absolutely not.  We pride ourselves on keeping our prices low but still making sure that we offer a unique, personalised and attentive service with unrivaled success rates globally.

We only employ Private Investigators otherwise known as Private Detectives that have extensive Police or Milatary experience and unique skills that make them excel at their role.

Please be sure to check our lowcostdetectives.com reviews

High Quality Blackmail Detectives & Investigations since 1991 worldwide.

How much do our Blackmail Investigations Cost?

How much does a Low Cost Detectives Private Detective Cost to hire for a Blackmail case? Our base costs and deposit requirements are usually much lower than that of our competitors.  Cases vary in cost dependent on your individual circumstances and needs. Contact us and book a free telephone consultation to discuss your individual requirements.

Blackmail Detectives & Investigations Near Me - Our Locations

Low Cost Detectives Blackmail Detectives & Investigations Near Me.  You can rest assured knowing that we have over 300 Branches worldwide in 180 Countries.  Our Offices and Specialist Investigators are spread across all inhabited continents of the globe and we can help you no matter where the problem is in the world.

We cover: 





North America,


South America

Our individual office locations are listed in summary by continent (see links above)

Whats Unique About lowcostdetectives.com Blackmail Detectives?

We have been performing Blackmail Investigations for over 30 years.  At Low Cost Detectives we provide our clients with a unique, simple, cost effective yet high value and very results driven service.  This is very different to most Detective Agencies globally who generally are very over priced and offer an often sub-standard service in our opinion.

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Please find a list below of frequently asked questions and answers

A Private Investigator’s job is to help organisations, members of the public, and solicitors, to solve sensitive or difficult problems by discretely gathering evidence and information.  Information is gathered using professional methods, including tracking, surveillance, making enquiries and monitoring.  A Private Investigator will uncover the facts.  This information is then presented, and advice is offered for you where appropriate.

Surveillance, monitoring and vehicle tracking

Personal background and history checks

Relationship issues

Employee Absenteeism

Tracing missing people

Investigating fraud and theft

Using a private investigator is perfectly legal, providing that you choose a professional and ethical investigator or agency that follow the rule of the law, based on the country they operate in.

Private investigators employ the use of a variety of professional tools, equipment and know-how to obtain the information they require.  The way in which information is gathered will depend completely on the nature of the case that is being investigated.

The price you can expect to pay for a private investigator to take on your case will be entirely dependent on the nature and extent of your enquiry.  Factors that will play a part in the cost include the number of operatives that will be required to carry out the investigation, mileage undertaken, and the tools, equipment and resources required.

Typical costs for common investigations are:

Surveillance – £45 – £75 per hour

Tracing people – £150 – £350

Background checks – £55 – £95 per hour

GPS tracking – £300 – £800